Welcome to Ray Hayes Skybench Website
We decided to bring this site back
to share the wealth of information Ray has compiled over the years.
Please enjoy!


The original Sky Bench website Ray Hayes developed in the past was loaded with information, tips, and photos. Because there is so much information, many of Ray\92s past customers have contacted us asking if they could still somehow get to the information on the original website pages. And so, the original website has been rebuilt with the assistance of Kurt Zimmerman. Thank you! Kurt is a sailplane enthusiast like all of us, and fortunately, very good at the digital world as well! The old website was a HTML beast. Many of today\92s web hosting services do not host this type of HTML site any longer. It is because of Kurt that we can. IMPORTANT: Please keep in mind, this website is a moment in time. The files came from a back-up copy made about 2015. If we can find a newer back up, we will update it. Please understand, the information here, especially pricing, is outdated. Refer to the new website for pricing and availability. And, please keep in mind, there have been changes made to our kits as well since 2015. So, enjoy the old SkyBench.com, but keep in mind this information is for reference only.


When Ray passed away on January 29, 2019 the LSF (League of Silent Flight) released this statement: \93Ray Hayes, woodie proponent and owner of Sky Bench Aerotech, passed away yesterday. He was an advocate for the model BUILDER, had done his best to embrace change in the hobby without altering his core values of \93rolling your own\94 by hand. He was the driving force behind the Woodcrafters competition at the IAC (AMA International Modeling Center) in Muncie for years. Another addition to the LSF Silent Wings page\85 Godspeed Ray, my friend and mutual woodie freak\85Thermals!\94

Sky Bench

Highest Quality Laser Cut Wood Sailplane kits

Please send orders by US Mail or E-Mail

New! Ray's 2014 Winter Newsletter New!

Lil Bird 2HL60" WS
Home of Airtronics OLY II
Oly IIRES100" WS
Push-Rod Installation Tips
Wing Construction Tips
Add Carbon to Spars ???
Ray's adjustable Fuse Jig
View OLY II Working Thermals The Simple Pleasure of Soaring
Click the kit name to bring up the kit page.
Paragon - Pierce 970 - Pierce Arrow - Scooter - Windward - Merlyn - Windlord - Cloud Bound 4 - Challenger - Gulf Coaster - WF-XL - Legionair - Viking MK I-MK II - Windrifter - Thermal Queen
Wood Crafters 2008 Report
Wood Crafters 2007 Report
Wood Crafters 2006 Report
Wood Crafters 2005 Report
Wood Crafters 2004 Report
Wood Crafters 2003 Report
Wood Crafters 2002 Report
2005 Postal Fun Fly Report
Sunbird Classic 2000 Report
1995 AMA/LSF Nats
Mini Hi Start Contest

Frank Wren and Ray Hayes


Your Viking is a great kit as usual. I balanced it with NiMH cells but had a problem with my battery. Rather than buy a new battery, I switched to LiPO that I had on hand and a couple of fishing weights. It goes up with authority and really buffets you on take off. It flies like a dream with an AXI 2820-12, 12 X 7 folder, 2500 3 cell LiPO. I will never use the capacity in the battery but needed that battery to pull 30+amps.

Here is a picture

Electrified Viking


Sky Bench Woodys are strong and repairable.
Can't say that about most ready to fly sailplanes.

Big Bird XL - left wing repair

Big Bird XL - test fitting new joiner

Big Bird XL - ready for final sanding


Due to a malfunction in the controller in my electrified, XL B/B last summer, my Bird went in hard. Actually .... I did something stupid trying to "fix on the fly".

This Bird is on your web site, (the yellow and white one displayed, sitting on a trash can), along with my positive comments about this plane and your help.

The left tip panel broke at the attachment to the inboard left panel. VERY little damage to the fuse. Just a small bit of balsa that "popped out" of the block in front of the canopy. Amazing that this was the only damage as it really did go in very hard.

Anyway..... since I was rebuilding ............ I stripped both wings of covering and cut-in flaps. I made a big mistake not adding the spoilers or flaps in the original build.

I just cannot say enough about your product, the wood, the packaging, ........ and the wonderful way this XL B/B flies. It was my first sailplane kit. (I have done several glow and gasser kits). I love big planes............. so I see a Sky Bird, or Oly I I I in my future. :-)

Thanks for listening,
Bob Ruder

Big Bird overhead (click to enlarge)
Click here for in flight photos of this beautiful Woody Big Bird.

Big Bird for sale

Another beautiful Big Bird

Tom Como and his Big Bird

Tom Como and his brand new Sky Bird. Tom is a Member of the Toledo RC Club with fellow member John Root and several other members that are completing their Sky Birds and Big Birds. The club gathers every Monday afternoon to fly their sailplanes during the summer and early fall. Thanks for the pix Paul.

John Root's winter Big Bird

Here is a picture of the Big Bird that I completed as a winter project in March.

The plane is a beautiful flyer. It penetrates well in 10 to 15 mph wind and is sensitive to thermals. The following are some modified construction details: * Monokote finish--Chrome Monokote on the tail feathers and wing tips.
* Tow Hook System--Used 1/2 of an Airtronic rail centered at the CG
* Fabricated a tow hook from a common nail cut to about 1 1/4", then bent 90 degrees. Thread one end to 6-32 thread. This gives a much stronger tow hook that is infinitly adjustableat least plus or minus 1/2" from center CG.
* Spoilers--mounted 1" closer to the trailing edge. Operated by 2 JR 55 servos. Electrical connections using Deans connectors joining at the fuse. This system is superior to operating the spoilers with a cord attached to a servo in the fuse.
* Wing mounting--Held to the fuse by spring tension. This eliminates taping and untaping the wing to the fuse

The all up wgt is 44 1/2 oz. It is one of the few planes I have built that was not tail heavy.

Best regards, John D Root

Completed Sky Bird


Completed construction on my Sky Bird last week and flew it for the first time on Friday. I live in Western Colorado and went to a field where the elevation is about 6000 feet. The sky was clear and the temperature was 38 degrees with a very light variable wind. I measured the tension on the high start at 16 lbs. Although the combined length of rubber and string only measured about 300 feet the bird was launched high enough to find lots of lift and watching it fly was very satisfying after the many hours of assembly work. It tracked perfectly while on the high start and after releasing needed no trimming. Never had a first flight that made me smile so much. After playing in the rising air for awhile, I put the nose down, brought it in fast, circled the field once and watched as it almost landed by itself. What a great plane; I know I will enjoy many more flights with this beauty.

Jim Allen

Matt and his Big Bird

Ray, just wanted you to see my newly completed big bird. I think it turned out even better than I ever imagined. I can not wait to get it in the air this weekend!!! I'm just so excited about it right now I thought I would show it off a bit!!!

Thanks for a GREAT kit!!!


Oly II on the cover of Flying Models 2004




Sky Bench Aerotech
PO Box 13
Brownsburg, IN 46112
e mail skybenchone@gmail.com