Ray's 2014 Winter NewsletterTime to Build and FLYHope you all have an enjoyable time building your kits this winter. My wife said the Farmer's Alminac is predicting a hard winter for my Fort Wayne, Indiana area. We were in the Black Hills of South Dakota and on September 11th woke up to six inches of snow. The area had the same event last year in the beginning of October, very unusual for Key Stone. Fort Wayne had a hard winter last season. Hmmmm ... could be a trend forecaster. Looking to have some extra fun with your completed Sky Bench kits next Spring ?? Please consider participating in the "Ladder Event" announcement below. You can time your flights, you don't need a witness and you can use the $50.00 Sky Bench kit credit on your next purchase during 2015 or let a newbie use it. I'm hoping to stir up some fun for my Sky Bench customers with this idea. I'll post the photos of you and your Sky Bench sailplane on my web along with your entry score card. The score card can be copied from my web and sent to me by email or postal. Explanation of the "LADDER TASK" .............. To the best of my knowledge, this task was created by Bob Johnson of Wisconsin and I used it in my Wood Crafters events I put on in Muncie, IN at the AMA field (see the Wood Crafters reports links on the front page of the Sky Bench web). The challenge of the task is to make a five minute flight with subsequent flights each three minutes longer than the previous flight. Record the five minute flight time on the score card and then make another flight with a task time of eight minutes and another flight of eleven minutes and so on. If you fail to make a subsequent flight three minutes longer you can keep trying. The event is named "Ladder" because the idea is to make each subsequent flight step up three minutes longer than the longest flight you have preformed during a single day. The task flight times can not be carried forward to another days flying session. It is a very good structured method of improving pilot skills. At the end of May, turn in your score card and watch for the results of all that participated in this event on my Sky Bench web. GOOD LUCK ... ITS ALL ABOUT HAVING SOME FUN. RAY Announcing ...
FREE Monthly Postal Contests Events
Starting May 1, 2015 If this is successful, Sky Bench June's Postal Event may be for the Big Birds and Sky Birds combined and the OLY ll S, OLY ll SX and OLY lll combined. OR some other combination. Task: Ladder starting at 5 minutes, increment flight steps of 3 minutes to each successive flight. Any number of attempts, any day during the month of May. Flight times are not carried forward from one day's attempts. Submit your highest level of consecutive Ladder flights steps reached during any single day during May 2015 for each class you fly in. Scores will be posted. TWO Categories: A. Winch or Hi-Start and B. Winch in the Nose with limiter set for 150 meters or 30 seconds and no restarts. Electrics must land before timing starts for another attempted Ladder flight. Timing is the "Self Time Honor System". Sky Bench customers don't cheat.
.... May 2015 Event Prizes ....
Submitted photos will be placed on the Sky Bench web site Postal Contest page. More to come ....
Old newsletters:
Ray Hayes LSF 803 NSS 29