Fort Wayne, Indiana
OFFICERS: Ray Hayes - Frank Wren
Eric Podzielinski - Bill Weesner
by Ray Hayes - LSF 803 - NSS 29
October 2006
It all started when I drove to Chicago to See the 1970 Soar contest.
I took a few pictures, caught on to what they were doing and drove home
completely hooked on RC Sailplanes.
I started with a scratch built design powered by an .049 gas engine,
next built a small t-tail kit from California and then started a long
love affair with Mark's Models Windfree kits.
November, 1974, as a member of the local power club, the Flying Circuits,
the first sailplane contest in Ft Wayne was held.
Flyers were very hungry for contests (great social events) and came from
several states to compete.
New friendships were started that have lasted a life time for me and
I have been putting on sailplane contests every since.
The power club is very large and it didn't take long to realize the
need for a separate sailplane flying site.
I asked the Ft Wayne State School for permission to fly on their open
field and LOFT was born. Many wonderful memories for many people from
all over the USA have sprung from LOFT field. Some thirty three years
later, as of this writing, and I am still flying my favorite woody
sailplanes at the original LOFT field.
Ft Wayne's first RC sailplane contest, 11-02-1974 and my first time as a
Contest Director. Ft. Wayne Flying Circuits sponsored this event at their
present flying site. We were lucky to have good flying weather, but it was
a bit chilly. All the surrounding states had enterants.
Dan Pruss launching his Grand Esprit.
Dan Pruss hard at work while Jerry Mrylik and Jack Hiner aid and abet.
L-R. Art Slagle, Warren Plohr and George Williams at the Flying Circuits Tx Impound rack.
L-R. Otto Heitecker with his Snoopy design, Ray Vanderdonk and John Hoover.
L-R Bill Weesner timing for Tom Schwyin. Casade's piles of magnesium, etc.
L-R Warren Tiahrt timing Magic Fingers Jeff Mrilk.
L-R Ray Hayes flying, Phil Geiseking timing. I never do very well when
I'm the CD. Oh well, it is the fun factor that counts. Right.........
L_R Keith Finnkenbiener, Dan Pruss and Jack Heiner.
They are all listening to Keith's Thermal Sensor for sounds of lift.
Passing out the trophies to the winners, Jeff Mrilk and his Astro Jeff were
very hard to beat and usually no one did.
Ray Vanderdonk beat Otto this day, they dueled it out with Jeff in the
unlimited class all over the Midwest contests.
Bob Steele won a trophy. The FC club sponsored a few more sailplane
contests, but LOFT contests became the big ones.
The cute one flying in this photo is Barb Robinson, with her husband Bob,
they traveled the Midwest contest circuit.
Group shot of the winners on a chilly overcast November 2, 1974.
I signed a lot of these cards while club treasurer. Ray Hayes LSF 803
Winners of the Great Lakes RC Soaring League, 1977, LOFT field.
The League included Scale and all the size classes and Junior age class.
Participating clubs: Dayton and Columbus Ohio, Chicago, LOFT, Detroit.
Not sure of the year, if memory serves me, the last year for the Great Lakes
RC Soaring league was 1984. It was fortunate that I moved to Michigan in
1985 and was able to compete in the very popular Michigan Soaring League.
Four of the pilots in this photo are still flying in RC Sailplane contests,
most active are Bob Robinson and me.
I'm now back in Fort Wayne and fly often at this field that remains the LOFT
field 34 years from the club's inception. Ray, August 1, 2008.