Improved Spoiler Geometry

Link to Ray DeNoble's RC Groups thread on "Spoiler Construction".
It has several different methods for simple spoiler actuation hook up.
This will probably make spoiler construction very easy for you.

Improved Spoiler Geometry

I have been installing spoilers in sailplanes since 1971 and have actuated them with torque rods, push rods, servos in the wing and pull strings. In recent years, I have gone back to pull strings because they are easier to install and simpler to adjust. Several years ago, I posted a thread on my spoiler installation.

Chuck Anderson

Chuck Norris designed the below spoiler installation for his OLY ll S

Spoiler Servo Geometry

(side view)

Side view through the wing

Bearing Tube Reinforcement

How to reinforce the bearing tube

Spoiler Arm and Linkage Sweep

Arm and linkage sweep

Servo Shelf Details

Side view of the servo shelf

Top view of the servo shelf

Bent Linkage Allows Length Adjustment

How to adjust lin linkage with a bent connection.
Sky Bench Aerotech
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