Wood Crafters
Dedicated to those that build and fly wood R/C Sailplanes

Wood Crafters

Third Annual Soar In Reunion

May 27, 28, 29, 30, 2004

AMA Flying Site, Muncie, Indiana

Harris Hill, Dave Burt, Dan Pruss
Dan Pruss launching at Harris Hill in the early seventies. Dave Burt is his timer.


Photo Album


Scale Rules

Entry List


Wood Crafters 2004 Soar In Reunion Program

Entry Form (MS Word Document)

Please fill out entry form and return by Dec. 20, 2003
include entry fees for your choice of events.

I hope everyone is busy building their woodys for 2004.

Wood Crafters is experimenting in 2004, two separate events are offered. You can enter any or all of the events listed below. The May 27 and 28, 2004 Wood crafters Soar In Reunion format will be essentially the same as the first two years, mostly fun flying with optional competition events. The experiment will take place May 29 and 30, with the Wood Crafters Soar In Championships. Two days of competition events that will be as close to the venerable SOAR NATS of the 1970's as we can make it. I hope you will see the Championship as an opportunity to fly your old and new woody designs in a laid back format of competition free from restrictive rules. Winning the Championships will be wide open in all size classes because lady luck will not be eliminated, just as it was not eliminated in the SOAR NATS. Launching will be by group call up, but not scored man on man. The task will be 10 minute or two minute and the pilot has to declare within one minute of release from launch which duration he is attempting. This is identical to the task format used in one of the SOAR NATS. The number of rounds and number of two minute and ten minute flights needed, will be determined based somewhat on the number of entries and weather conditions. An example: Over the two day period, the tasks might be a total of six rounds (flights) of ten minute attempts and four rounds (flights) of two minute attempts. Team entry on the same channel will be allowed. See entry form.

Special categories within the Championships will be awarded trophies to the top score in the following categories: Best Windfree, Best OLY ll, Best Bird of Time (the BOT rib profile will be checked for accuracy to original), Best New Design. Please don't forget to sign up for these One of a Kind Awards prior to the contest.

Building a scale sailplane is a natural step for us Woody fans and Wood Crafters is doing it’s best to promote woody scale. I hope you will consider joining the grand men of scale, Gordon Pearson and Jim Ealy and many others in 2004 and share in the fun of flying home built scale sailplanes launched by aero tow, winch or hi start, it is your choice. This year, scale competition judging is Thursday starting at 10 am. The event is open through Sunday. 12 flights are required, more can be flown for additional points. Group launching will be used to satisfy spectator interest.

Wood Crafters

Soar In Reunion

May 27 and 28, 2004.

International Modeling Center, Muncie, IN.

All Pilots must check in at the Wood Crafters tent prior to flying. Please do this for all our safety. You will receive your Wood Crafters name badge at this time and a ticket for the door prize drawings.

Program: Fun Fly when ever you wish after check in. Flying starts 9:30 am and ends 4:00 pm each day.

The following optional competition is available... Use entry form to sign up for your choices. Some of the events are organized, others are fly when you want to. Check at the Wood crafters tent for scheduling.

Thursday and Friday:

Wood Crafters Awards Dinner Thursday 6:30 pm at the Cardinal Inn

Wood Crafters

Soar In Championship

May 29 and 30, 2004.

International Modeling Center, Muncie, IN.

Pilots check in, at the Wood Crafters tent, ends 9 am
Pilots meeting starts at 9 am, bring your planes for a group photo Flying starts at 9:30 am

Size Classes
Class A Scale Starts Thursday thru Sunday
Class B 2 meter or less unlimited number of controls
Class C 100" or less RES rudder, elevator, spoilers optional
Class D Unlimited wing span unlimited controls


Restricted to built up Woodys with or without fiberglass fuses.
No restrictions on spar material or construction.

Molded D-tube construction is not allowed because WC does not want to repeat AMA's RES class that is now dominated by composits and store bought sailplanes.

This contest is dedicated to the Original SOAR NATS of the 1970’s for wood crafters who enjoy building and flying woodys

Flight Tasks

Identical to one of the old SOAR NATS

Soar In Championship Awards

Saturday and Sunday

First thru third place trophies based on final standings.

Sample Championship Plaque

First through fourth Grand Champion based on highest score of your best two classes flown in classes B, C and D.


First place trophy for

Best Windfree


Best Bird of Time

Best New Design

Wood Crafters Soar In Reunion Awards

Thursday and Friday

Sample Reunion Plaque

First place trophy for

Old Timer Speed 400

Speed 400 Duration

2 Minute Ladder

Longest Flight

Man on Man group launching 100" or Less

Man on Man group launching 60" or Less

Man on Man group launching Windfree only

Nothing but fun at Wood Crafters 2004

Below are rough web versions of the entry forms. Please print and use if you can not use the one provided in the MS Word document.

Wood Crafters 2004 entry form


Soar In Reunion May 27, 28, 2004


Address_________________________________AMA #_______________


Check event you want to enter: MoM 100” or less____MoM 60”______

Old Time Speed 400____Speed 400 Duration____2 minute Ladder_____

Longest Flight both days_____ Fun Fly only_______

Scale is 4 days, starts Thur/Sunday, please use Soar In Championship entry form

Entry Fee Per day is $12, sign me up for: Thursday_____ Friday______


Team Entry Name_____________________________________ch #_____

Address__________________________________AMA #______________


Check event you want to enter: MoM 100” or less____MoM 60”______

Old Time Speed 400____Speed 400 Duration____2 minute Ladder_____

Longest Flight both days_____ Fun Fly only__________

Scale is 4 days, starts Thur/Sunday, please use Soar In Championship entry form

Entry Fee Per day is $12, sign me up for: Thursday_____ Friday______


Total amount enclosed for entry in Wood Crafters Soar In Reunion

Thursday $12……. Friday $12…… TOTAL ENTRY FEE__________

Mail to Ray Hayes, 9218 Thunder Hill Pl, Fort Wayne, IN 46804

Please return as quickly as you can and no later than Dec 20, 2003

To retain the ch you used in WC 03 and help reduce my work load.

Wood Crafters 2004 entry form


Soar In Championship May 29, 30, 2004


Address___________________________________AMA #_____________


Entry fee for both days is $24 regardless of how many classes you enter. Check classes you are entering:

Class A____Class B____Class C_____Class D_____

Best Windfree______ Best OLY ll_____

Best Bird of Time___ Best New Design_____wing span________


Team Entry Name_____________________________________ch #_____

Address___________________________________AMA #_____________


Entry fee for both days is $24 regardless of how many classes you enter. Check classes you are entering:

Class A____Class B____Class C_____Class D_____

Best Windfree______ Best OLY ll_____

Best Bird of Time___ Best New Design_____wing span________


My entry fee $24 ______ My Team entry fee $24 ______ Total _______


Mail to Ray Hayes, 9218 Thunder Hill Pl, Fort Wayne, IN 46804

Please return as quickly as you can and no later than Dec 20, 2003

To retain the ch you used in WC 03 and help reduce my work load.

Back in Time
Click here for SOAR Club History

Weesner launching at Harris Hill
Bill Weesner
Launching his Graupner Cumulus
Harris Hill, early seventies.

The old Cumulus qualifies for Wood Crafters
and so does the Hobie Hawk

A new Hobie Hawk
Ray Holzheuer's Hobie Hawk.

Nadolny launching at Harris Hill
Dick Nadolny
Launching his Olympic 99
Harris Hill, early seventies.

Mrliks and planes at Harris Hill
Jerry and Jeff Mrlik
with their Astro Jeffs at Harris Hill.

Harris Hill photos by Dike Pike.

1971 THROUGH 1976

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1976 Soar Nats photo coverage
click on photos to enlarge

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1975 Soar Nats photo coverage
click on photos to enlarge

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1973 Soar Nats photo coverage
click on photos to enlarge

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1972 Soar Nats photo coverage
click on photos to enlarge

Magazine Cover for '71 Soar Nats
1971 Soar Nats photos

Kneeling with his planes
John Nielson, 1971 Soar Nats.

Magazine images from the '71 Soar Nats
1971 Soar Nats held at Miller Meadows near Maywood, IL.



Sky Bench Aerotech
PO Box 13
Brownsburg, IN 46112
e mail skybenchone@gmail.com

Ft. Wayne, Indiana 46804
Phone/Fax 1-(219) 434-1322